Friday, March 9, 2012

Project #10 - Summary of my PLN

A Wordle describing a PLN
A PLN is a Personal Learning Network. Since I have been in the class EDM310, I have been assigned numerous teacher's blogs to read and countless videos to watch. Honestly, I haven't kept up with all of them, but I have been looking for the right people. Once again, I am a Phys Ed. major and most of these teachers and videos have been for teaching teachers how to incorporate technology into there classroom, teaching teachers how to teach students how to learn, and what being a teacher is going to mean in the near future. Because Technology is always changing and advancing, so is the method of which we apply it in our daily lives.
Back to the main point, I'm a Phys Ed. major, I have been trying to look for my major related teachers and blogs. I would love to read about PE specific stuff. Though, I'm not very fond of taking other people's ideas, everybody has to start somewhere, and since this is already started, I might as well try not to re-invent anything. I'll be on the look out for teachers that meet the qualifications I am looking for, so hopefully the next time I update my PLN, I will have a plethora of connections!
Personal Learning Networks can be made possible through practically any and every social networking website. But here are some sources where I think a good sound and quality Personal Learning Network can be started, continued and successfully used: ,
Twitter, Facebook, Go2Web20, Building A PLN. These are just to name a few but there are many many more cites that you can go to such as the numerous amount of different blog cites. Google Reader, Symbaloo are more for organizational purposes for your PLN. Skpe is useful, google is very helpful. I never knew how much google could do, but be careful, if you don't want all of your information out there on the internet, than maybe a PLN is not for you. Remember in everything you do, you are leaving an "intellectual trail."

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